WHAT IS GAGA CRAZYBALL?: Gaga Ball (also known as Ga-Ga) is a group game similar to dodgeball. It has spread from camps and schools to now become a worldwide phenomenon that we’re bringing to your own backyard!
EASY TO PLAY: The game is played in a “Gaga Pit”. The objective is to hit opponents below the knees while avoiding getting hit yourself. If the player gets hit or touches below the knee with the ball, the player is out and leaves the pit. Last player standing wins the round!
BUILT FOR CRAZY PLAY: Unlike other at-home Gaga sets, Gaga CrazyBall’s durable steel framing is stronger and more secure. Players can use the walls as part of their game strategy, and our set holds up to the physical play of the game!
GET OUT & GET ACTIVE: Gaga CrazyBall combines skills like dodging, striking, running and jumping – all of which keep kids active and healthy while encouraging time spent together.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED: This set includes a 10’ x 10’ pit, 2 official Gaga Balls, and a hand pump.